Larian Studios tried to put down ideas for Baldur’s Gate 4, but they didn’t like them enough

Larian Studios tried to put down ideas for Baldur's Gate 4 but they didn't like them enough

Baldur’s Gate 4 will certainly not be made by Larian Studios and not because the team didn’t try to put down some interesting ideas: they simply had nothing else to say.

As we well know, Larian Studios will not be responsible for making Baldur’s Gate 4 , the sequel to the RPG based on Dungeons and Dragons. The company will be going in a new direction and it will be someone else’s job to create a sequel to Larian Studios’ masterpiece. However, this doesn’t mean that the team hasn’t thought about creating a new game: they simply didn’t like the first ideas and there wasn’t the right enthusiasm .

The information comes from an interview conducted by GamesRadar+, during the Digital Dragons event in Poland .

The words of Larian Studios on Baldur’s Gate 4

“For us there was nothing else to say in this game, we wanted to move on to other worlds ,” narrative director Adam Smith said of the conclusion of Baldur’s Gate 3. “And we tried, we started to propose ideas for Baldur’s Gate 4, but we weren’t enthusiastic, we didn’t have the right strength. The feeling is that it should have been a more difficult decision than it was, but it wasn’t”, continued the director.

A group of characters looking at the horizon in Baldur's Gate 3
A group of characters looking at the horizon in Baldur’s Gate 3

“We asked ourselves, ‘ Do we have the right enthusiasm? ‘. And we didn’t, so it was obvious: We don’t. It’s nice to work somewhere where you can make a decision like that, and it doesn’t come to you. said ‘yeah, but it’s going to make us so much money, so we’re going to do it’. It was never a question,” Smith continued. “It’s sad that many studios often don’t have complete autonomy over what they make and when.”

“One of the reasons we made [Baldur’s Gate 3] was so that it would be a game where we could say ‘this is a story we really care about. This is a setting we care deeply about, this is a character we care deeply about. “. And we think we have something to say with them. And so I think we’ve said it all . And we shouldn’t say there’s nothing more to say, but I don’t think there’s anything else we want to add,” Smith added.

Furthermore, Larian Studios admitted that there was some crunch .

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