Two Valheim players spent 1,000 hours creating their own RPG within the game

Two Valheim players spent 1,000 hours creating their own RPG within the game

Two Valheim players spent 1,000 hours creating their own RPG within the game:

Two Valheim builders spent over a thousand hours over three months creating an entire survival RPG.

YouTubers Ninebyte and Dhakhar have joined forces to take on the ambitious project of creating an entire game within a game. In this case, both creators set out to make unique stories, bosses, and more using Valheim tools.

We spent the first week of construction simply adding buildings and modifying them off-world, creating a graveyard of builds to work with throughout the project.

The duo then created five main cities that would “ultimately tie everything together through story and lore.”

Next, the team filled in the gaps with points of interest, connected roads and several boss arenas, which would soon become the site of “intensified” battles with enemies. There are also 12 classes available, including classics such as berserker, mage and shaman, inspired by the Legends mod.

After everything was initially distributed, the team worked on improving roads, optimizing code, populating towns with quest-giving NPCs, and creating lore to tie all the content together. They also “went through every vanilla loot item in the game and placed them” around the map as quest rewards and the like.