The Gray Zone Warfare team ignores player reports, updates the game and only creates problems

The Gray Zone Warfare team ignores player reports updates the game and only creates problems

The Gray Zone Warfare team ignores player reports updates the game and only creates problems

Gray Zone Warfare has been updated but this has only created problems for the shooter. Players had reported that something was wrong but the team appears to have ignored them.

It’s not always good to listen to your community, which doesn’t have a clear vision of video game development, but sometimes completely ignoring your players can create more problems than anything else. The team at Madfinger, creators of Gray Zone Warfare , recently discovered this first hand.

The company’s CEO – Marek Rabas – posted an apology to the community on Twitter after the team released an update for Gray Zone Warfare that only introduced more issues , even though players had reported that something was wrong. .

The words of the CEO of the Gray Zone Warfare team

Rabas says: “Please accept our apologies. We released a hotfix that introduced new issues into the game. We will roll back and release a new hotfix soon. We were mostly wrong because we didn’t trust our community when they reported issues to us performance. We were unable to reproduce them, and after checking each commit, we were confident that none of the fixes could affect the client’s performance.

The Gray Zone Warfare team ignores player reports updates the game and only creates problems

Gray Zone Warfare – Early Access Launch Trailer

“This was a big mistake . It turned out to be a bad merge and the unwanted changes were propagated to the hotfix branch. We have multiple branches, not only for the game but also for Unreal Engine. So, the lesson was learned the way We will always trust our community from now on and improve our pipelines to limit these problems.

Finally, we leave you with our Steam chart: Gray Zone Warfare on the first line