Silent Hill 2 won’t focus on combat and won’t have “yellow paint”: new details from Okamoto

Silent Hill 2 won't focus on combat and won't have "yellow paint": new details from Okamoto

Silent Hill 2 won’t focus on combat and won’t have “yellow paint”: new details from Okamoto

Some new details on the remake of Silent Hill 2 come from producer Motoi Okamoto, who, interviewed by Famitsu, revealed the great faithfulness of the remake to the original material.

The new issue of the Japanese magazine Famitsu contains an in-depth analysis of Silent Hill 2 , with an interview with producer Motoi Okamoto from which we learn that the fighting will not be the center of attention and the game will not have “yellow paint” , in addition to other details.

According to reports, it seems that Bloober Team’s priority was to remain as faithful as possible to the original , even where Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka, among those responsible for the founder Konami involved in this new project, would have liked to make changes .

The position of the two, said Okamoto, is understandable: having already worked on the original, they simply wanted to propose something different in various points, with some parts that would have to change drastically in the remake of Silent Hill 2, but Bloober insisted on the need to remain faithful to the classic material.

Faithful to the original in every aspect

It was therefore Bloober Team that pushed to stay as close to the original Silent Hill 2, given that the authors of the original would have wanted to deviate more from it to propose something new.

Silent Hill 2 won’t focus on combat and won’t have “yellow paint”: new details from Okamoto

Silent Hill 2 won't focus on combat and won't have "yellow paint": new details from Okamoto
Silent Hill 2, an exploration scene in the remake

Therefore, if the team had been made up entirely of the latter or in any case of predominantly Japanese origin, the remake would have resulted in something decidedly different.

An element on which Okamoto insisted a lot is the fact that combat is not the focus of Silent Hill 2, which focuses on something else, like the original, with a pace that will be staid. The user interface will be entirely customizable, the producer also reported, and can also be totally turned off and absent, with James still turning to look at the objects with which he can interact, as per tradition.

In this regard, the developers let it be known that there will be no “yellow paint” in the game, indicating the absence of those obvious indicators used in many games to clearly show the path to follow and the objects with which to interact, an element that attracted notable controversy recently also in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, among others.

The introductory sequence has also been reworked compared to the one previously shown with the presentation trailer, again to seek greater fidelity with the original, as well as the movements of the “nurses”.

Silent Hill 2 won't focus on combat and won't have "yellow paint": new details from Okamoto
Silent Hill 2, one of the iconic “nurses”

James’ appearance has also changed: the initial idea was to show him older, also to connect to the greater seniority of the players who had already played the original, but the idea was then reconsidered.

As regards the initial part, Bloober Team has lengthened the time between starting the game and the first encounter with a creature, to give time to become more in tune with the setting and the atmosphere and increase the sense of tension.

For the rest, in recent days we have seen the new trailer for Silent Hill 2 with the release date presented at the State of Play in May and also a long gameplay video from the Silent Hill Transmission.

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Is Silent Hill 2 already doomed? Are the controversies over nurses’ necklines the final blow?