Manor Lords introduced Royal Tax to prevent players from hoarding too much money

Manor Lords introduced Royal Tax to prevent players from hoarding too much money

Manor Lords introduced Royal Tax to prevent players from hoarding too much money

Gathering resources is one of the most important steps to building your kingdom in Manor Lords. Without money, you have no chance of becoming a settlement with power and influence over the areas around you. However, developer Slavic Magic noticed that too many players were hoarding wealth, making kingdom management too easy. Therefore, a new royal tax was introduced.

Taxes are never fun, but in this case they are necessary to prevent Manor Lords players from accumulating huge resources and avoid endless amounts of gold. In any RTS game, maximizing wealth without penalty can ruin the experience of the game as there are no consequences, obstacles and challenges.

Realizing this, developer Slavic Magic introduced the Royal Tax in patch 0.7.972 on May 31, 2024. This new tax will be “collected annually from all players (as well as AI) and go to the overlord.” The tax amount will be determined based on population size and will serve as a “counterbalance to players accumulating enormous wealth despite an unoptimized economy.”

The developer hopes that this will also stop players from accumulating debt without consequences, which will lead to serious threats when running out of money. In the future, Slavic Magic plans to implement a system where failure to pay taxes will result in a “confrontation with the royal army.” This direct conflict with the king could add new gameplay and further deepen the gameplay of Manor Lords.

The addition of the Royal Tax also has the potential to change the economy and force players to be more selective about how they spend their resources. This is guaranteed to have a significant impact on the gameplay, we will soon find out how this solution works.

Manor Lords introduced Royal Tax to prevent players from hoarding too much money

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