Helldivers 2, Arrowhead has known about the requirement for a PSN account for several months

The CEO of Arrowhead Game Studio has admitted that he has some responsibility in the current Helldivers 2 crisis: the team has known about the requirement for a PSN account for months.

Helldivers 2, Arrowhead has known about the requirement for a PSN account for several months

Arrowhead has known about the requirement for a PSN account for Helldivers 2 for several months , to be precise about six months before the launch of the game: this was revealed by the studio’s CEO, Johan Pilestedt, admitting that he has responsibilities with respect to the current situation.

“I too have my faults, I have responsibilities regarding what is happening,” explained Pilestedt. ” It was my decision to disable linking between profiles at launch to allow users to play without problems.”

“I didn’t make sure users knew about this requirement and we didn’t talk about it enough. We knew about six months before launch that online PlayStation games would require a PSN account .”

Does sincerity pay?

There is no doubt that the CEO of Arrowhead Game Studio is managing his communication in a surprisingly free manner, if we consider that development teams generally do not publicly expose themselves for the decisions of their publishers , nor obviously question them.

In this case, however, Pilestedt has admitted that he has specific responsibilities for what happened and users are splitting their reactions , with some accusing the CEO of having allowed the sale of Helldivers 2 even in countries where the game is not now is more available and others who recognize the value of his sincerity.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

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  2. Helldivers 2: the PSN account on PC is no longer mandatory, Sony has changed its mind after protests

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