The Fallout TV series has conquered everyone and Bethesda is understandably riding the renewed wave of popularity with initiatives of various kinds. In Fallout Shelter, for example, he introduced the three protagonists – Lucy, Maximus and the Ghoul – while revealing their statistics SPECIAL

What does SPECIAL mean in Fallout?

How do you say? Have you approached the Fallout franchise with the TV series and don’t know what SPECIAL statistics are? Then it is necessary to do a little review before proceeding. The SPECIAL system is the basis of every single Fallout game and contains the main statistics of the playable characters . It is an acronym that stands for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck.

During adventures, gamers can unlock points to spend on upgrading the SPECIAL statistics they prefer (a limited number of points are also usually offered during character creation). This way they can choose which ones to favor over the others and change their playing style accordingly . Any examples? Strength increases the damage of attacks and the load you can carry, while Perception increases the detection range of enemies. Resistance improves health and the degree of tolerance to poison and radiation, Charisma increases the influence on non-player characters, Intelligence allows you to carry out repairs and pick locks, Agility increases the speed of reloading and extracting weapons and finally, Luck can increase the probability of inflicting critical hits, finding ammunition or winning at gambling.

SPECIAL statistics of the protagonists of the TV series


  • Strength: 4
  • Perception: 7
  • Resistance: 6
  • Charisma: 5
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Agility: 5
  • Luck: 7

The Ghoul

  • Strength: 5
  • Perception: 6
  • Resistance: 7
  • Charisma: 7
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Agility: 7
  • Luck: 4


  • Strength: 7
  • Perception: 6
  • Resistance: 6
  • Charisma: 5
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Agility: 7
  • Luck: 5

Based on what you saw in the first season of Fallout, do you agree with the statistics assigned to the three characters? As you can see, there is no one character stronger than another, as each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. Lucy is smart, lucky and thanks to her Pip-Boy she always knows where to go to achieve a goal. The Ghoul, with his over 200 years of age, is the most resistant and is also equipped with great charisma and agility. Finally, Maximus makes up for his lack of intelligence with strength and agility.