Dragon Age: The Veilguard will allow you to have romance with all companions, regardless of gender

Dragon Age: The Veilguard will allow you to have romance with all companions regardless of gender

Dragon Age: The Veilguard will allow you to have romance with all companions regardless of gender

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard you can have romance with all your traveling companions, regardless of their gender.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has chosen to take the same path as Baldur’s Gate 3 regarding love stories: they will be possible with all companions , regardless of gender. We still don’t have the full picture of the party and how it will work, but BioWare has already announced that the player will be able to recruit a total of seven unique companions throughout the story, each belonging to a different faction of Thedas.

Multiple loves

As mentioned, for now the details are lacking on the matter and we will have to wait for the presentation on June 11th to find out more about the entire game , considering that for now the gameplay has never been officially shown , despite some data thefts that have occurred in the past with attached videos.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard will allow you to have romance with all companions regardless of gender

Dragon Age Dreadwolf – Presentation Announcement Trailer

BioWare General Manager Gary McKay raised the point in an interview with IGN. The man stated that players will be able to “have romance with the companions they want.” Unfortunately he also didn’t go into much detail, so it wasn’t very clear whether all the characters will be pansexual or whether there will be characterizations in this sense.

In any case, BioWare’s choice should not cause a big stir, considering that Dragon Age 2 in 2010 was one of the pioneers in expanding the choices for love stories in electronic role-playing games. Furthermore, recently we have seen several RPGs that have worked on this point, such as Baldur’s Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, with different choices in terms of narrative design, but still aimed at an openness with respect to the theme.

For the rest, we remind you that Dragon Age: The Veilguard should be released in the next few months . There are those who talk about the end of 2024 and those about the beginning of 2025. We’ll see. We will be able to play it on PC, Xbox Series X/S and PS5. Who knows if also on Super Nintendo Switch.

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