Destiny 2 will add a Pathfinder system that will combine contracts, patrols and challenges

Destiny 2 will add a Pathfinder system that will combine contracts patrols and challenges

Bungie has shared details of the Pathfinder system coming to Destiny 2 with the release of The Final Shape expansion. This is a system that combines contracts, patrols and weekly tasks.

With the release of the DLC, there will be two types of “Guide”: one for ritual activities (available to all players), and the second for the location “Pale Heart of the Wanderer” (available to owners of the expansion).

Upon opening the system, players will be greeted by a combination of 20 tasks, divided into 5 branches, and at the end – a superior engram. You can complete at least all the tasks on the screen, but to receive rewards and advance you need to do at least one quest in each branch.

Destiny 2 will add a Pathfinder system that will combine contracts patrols and challenges

Destiny 2 will add a Pathfinder system that will combine contracts, patrols and challenges
Destiny 2 will add a Pathfinder system that will combine contracts, patrols and challenges

After receiving the final reward, the Guide board can be reset. This wastes shine. Bungie says the boards are created using a mix of custom curation and procedural generation—an option you won’t see from another player.

Bungie warns that you can reset the board as many times as you like, as long as players have enough Shine. But with each reset, the value of the final reward decreases. Reset will occur every Tuesday with a reset.

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The Final Form expansion launches in Destiny 2 on June 4th. The DLC will be the completion of the arc of confrontation between Light and Darkness, which began in the original game almost 10 years ago.

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