The price of Astro Bot appears in Japan: let’s see how much it could cost in Italy

Are you a fan of Astro Bot? Sony is giving you free avatars for PS4 and PS5 with this promotional code

The price of Astro Bot appears in Japan: let’s see how much it could cost in Italy

The PS5 exclusive Astro Bot is now priced at a Japanese chain store. This allows us to calculate how much the platformer video game arriving in September could cost in Italy.

Sony won’t have top-level names arriving during the year, but there’s no shortage of exclusive games for PlayStation 5 and PC, some of which are very interesting. One of these is certainly Astro Bot , a new single player platform scheduled for September 6th. We have seen a trailer full of gameplay, but we have yet to discover a very important detail for the public: the price .

Now, through a Japanese chain , we have the opportunity to find out what the potential figure set by Sony is for the Team Asobi game.

The potential price of Astro Bot

At the moment, Japanese users are reporting that the game will cost 7,980 yen . Making a direct conversion, we are talking about €46.97, but obviously the prices of a video game are not calculated in this way. According to indications, the expected dollar price is between 50 and 60 dollars.

The price of Astro Bot appears in Japan: let’s see how much it could cost in Italy

Astro Bot – Announcement Trailer

In other words, we can expect a figure between 60 and 70 euros . Sackboy A Great Adventure , which seems to be the product most similar to Astro Bot in the Sony Interactive Entertainment catalogue, was sold for around €70 at launch, so it is not impossible that the figure is similar.

Japanese users say that you could expect 50 dollars (which becomes 60 euros). For now they are just speculations, in any case, so we advise you to wait for confirmation from Sony.

In the meantime, we remind you of the selling price of Concord , the live FPS service for PS5 and PC.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

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