The enormous space required by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is “not indicative of the standard installation”

The enormous space required by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is "not indicative of the standard installation"

The enormous space required by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is “not indicative of the standard installation”

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will not really require 309 GB in the vast majority of cases, given that this is an extreme case set as the absolute maximum of the installation.

The request for 309 GB of free space to download and install Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 immediately caused discussion , as was easy to expect, but equally predictably the clarification from Actvision also arrived immediately, which explained how this request is not indicative of the standard .

As we also reported yesterday on the occasion of the emergence of the requirements for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, which will also require a constant internet connection even for the single player campaign, the amount of space indicated is essentially a rough situation that indicates the extreme case of completeness of the contents which also range over the previous chapters.

Essentially, for most users, a standard installation of Call of Duty: Black Ops will require not 309GB but less, although you can still expect a substantial size.

An extreme case

The clarification came through a post on X from the official account, as we see below.

The enormous space required by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is “not indicative of the standard installation”

“The requested size also includes the full installation of Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, Warzone and all related expansions , including all localization packs in multiple languages ​​together, which is not a typical installation experience for any user” , we read in the message.

As we had reported, in fact, the dimension in question refers to Call of Duty HQ , or the new hub for accessing the various chapters of the series. Activision has launched this system which, in effect, treats the various Call of Duty games as a single entity, with packages to add or remove.

The size of 309 GB would be achieved by maintaining complete and contemporary installations of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, Warzone and respective expansions, which, although not impossible, is rather unlikely, especially with regard to some packages such as the different languages.

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  1. The Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 trailer has set a sensational record for the series

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