Starfield became a victim of review bombing on Steam after the launch of paid mods

Starfield became a victim of review bombing on Steam after the launch of paid mods

Starfield became a victim of review bombing on Steam after the launch of paid mods

Starfield both pleases and disappoints players. The game’s recent update focuses on mods, providing players with an easy way to create and install mods. And this Creation Club system continues the tradition established in Fallout 4 and Skyrim: Special Edition, where some mods are free, while others need to be paid for. Naturally, this did not please a significant number of gamers.

Earlier this week, there was a lot of backlash over a paid mod that released the first part for free, but ended up being quite expensive for the sequel . Now that discontent has spilled over onto Steam, where Starfield’s reviews have become overwhelmingly negative over the past 30 days. Although many mods received positive reviews, this did not save the game itself from criticism.

Starfield became a victim of review bombing on Steam after the launch of paid mods

The main problem is not the mods per se, but the addition of paid mods, which causes friction in the community, even though Bethesda has already done this with two previous games. From the prices to the feeling that the game is being “squeezed out” to the last cent, the mood of the community has noticeably worsened.

Let’s squeeze all the money out of this game before we retire it.”


Seriously? Pay for missions?


The game already feels unfinished and now they want me to pay for something that should have been in it from the start.


While not all of the recent negative reviews directly mention Creation Club, Bounty Hunter Quest, or paid mods, most do touch on those topics. At the time of writing, Starfield’s reviews over the past 30 days are 38%, and this figure is falling by 1-2 percent every few hours.

The sentiment on the Starfield subreddit is less negative, thanks largely to the modders themselves, who are releasing free mods that gradually improve the experience of the game.

Also Read:

Starfield bombarded with negative reviews on Steam for paid Creation Kit mods

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