Rent issues in Cities: Skylines 2 are ruining the game, but CO has a plan – second diary on economic overhaul

Rent issues in Cities: Skylines 2 are ruining the game but CO has a plan - second diary on economic overhaul

Rent issues in Cities: Skylines 2 are ruining the game but CO has a plan – second diary on economic overhaul

Since the release of Cities: Skylines 2, players have faced many challenges including waste management, traffic and zoning. However, one of the biggest challenges has been economic simulation, especially in relation to rents. The cost and rental rates of industrial zones have begun to affect residential areas, leading to a sharp increase in rental payments. Players often received “high rent” warnings when families suddenly couldn’t pay their rent. This problem made running the city incredibly difficult, but Colossal Order came up with a plan to solve it.

The main problem was that industrial enterprises located near residential areas increased their income, which led to an increase in rents for nearby residential buildings. This created an unfair burden on residents and made zoning and housing management nearly impossible. The number of “high rent” notifications became so frequent that players began to complain about their inability to maintain a stable economy in their cities. Colossal Order has acknowledged this issue and proposed changes in a new blog that should make the game more balanced.

In the next patch, the developers plan to remove the virtual landlord, who managed the rent for each tenant. Instead, all residents in apartment buildings would pay an equal share of the building’s upkeep. In addition, the rent calculation formula will be changed to take into account the income of a family or individual tenant. This should significantly reduce the number of “high rent” notices and make the economic system fairer.

Changes will also affect the building improvement system. Until now, to remove or move an improvement, the entire building had to be demolished and construction started over. In the new patch, improvements can be removed separately, which will allow players to flexibly manage their city without destroying its infrastructure. For example, it will be possible to move elements such as playgrounds at schools without demolishing the entire building.

Rent issues in Cities: Skylines 2 are ruining the game but CO has a plan – second diary on economic overhaul

Rent issues in Cities: Skylines 2 are ruining the game but CO has a plan - second diary on economic overhaul

The next big patch for Cities: Skylines 2 is expected in the third quarter of 2024. Colossal Order also promises to introduce several new free buildings, expanding building options and adding strategic depth. While the game still needs work, the developers’ efforts to fix issues and add new content show that Cities: Skylines 2 has a lot of potential and a long life ahead of it.

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