Dragon Age: The Veilguard: the first gameplay video shows a decidedly action game

Dragon Age: The Veilguard: the first gameplay video shows a decidedly action game

Dragon Age: The Veilguard: the first gameplay video shows a decidedly action game

Let’s see the first, long gameplay video of Dragon Age: The Veilguard which shows a game that is decidedly big and different from the canons of the series.

As promised, BioWare has finally revealed Dragon Age: The Veilguard with a long gameplay video , which showed many of the fundamental aspects of the game, including party management and the combat system, which is more dynamic than that of past chapters. In short, there is a lot to discover about the title, which seems like a really big production, capable of competing with the most famous triple-A role-playing games of recent years.

A long video

The video begins by warning that what is shown was taken from one of the initial phases of the game . We then see two characters enter a densely populated city. It’s raining, with a decidedly convincing effect. The main character is level 1, so he is very immature indeed.

The two begin walking in the city, when a decidedly disturbing event occurs: a ritual has begun in a floating structure, which causes demons to enter the city. In this phase there are no real fights, but the action nature of the title is revealed , with fences being climbed and racing at breakneck speed.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard: the first gameplay video shows a decidedly action game

Then the duo meets another character, a ranger, who gives the protagonist some equipment and joins the group. The first fight starts, which is completely in real time , with the protagonist jumping, hitting enemies first with his sword, then with a bow and arrow. He also uses some abilities, all without any pause. The same enemy shots are dodged with large leaps. The group manages to eliminate the danger in a very short time, then leaves for their destination.

The game is technically truly impressive, with the city appearing really well constructed and a profusion of effects for spells and setting. On the way our men face other enemies, many of whom have magical powers. By now you should be clear that the battle is in real time. However, in one of the battles the skill wheel is introduced , which allows you to pause the action and choose which skill to use.

Note that the other party members help in combat, but are completely autonomous and independent . The journey continues with the inclusion of another character in the party, a sorceress. Meanwhile there are also moments of dialogue, with the classic BioWare choices that will probably be reflected in the evolution of the story.

The skill wheel
The skill wheel

The film continues with other fights that show the choral activity of the party that supports the protagonist. The impression is that they are very easy, but it should be considered that we are in the very early stages of the game, those that act as tutorials (verifiable by noticing the messages on the screen that appear to describe the various game systems).

The encounter with a larger demon reveals the possibility of using the skill wheel to give orders to companions . In this case the fight turns out to be more challenging and longer, as well as extremely dynamic. In short, more than the first Dragon Age, The Veilguards seems to look towards The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or other BioWare experiences such as Mass Effect.

The video ends in the place where the ritual is taking place, where the party is engaged in other fights and in an event that we imagine will be fundamental in determining the facts of the rest of the adventure (if you don’t want spoilers, stop the video first) .

As a final note, we point out that autumn 2024 is indicated as the release period , even if there is no official date yet. If you want more information, read our freshly released preview , where we reveal everything we’ve learned about the game.