Ciri’s cosplay from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by Lizzie Lestrange is so cute

Ciri's cosplay from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by Lizzie Lestrange is so cute

Ciri’s cosplay from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by Lizzie Lestrange is so cute

Lizzie Lestrange strikes again, this time creating a great cosplay dedicated to Ciri in the version we admired in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

The Ciri cosplay from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt created by Lizzie Lestrange confirms the great talent of a model who has been getting noticed for some time for the quality of her interpretations, which often go into unexplored terrain.

This is not the case, let’s be clear: there are an infinite number of cosplays dedicated to Ciri, but Lizzie has certainly managed to give the character that extra touch that we find in her works , and which goes beyond the details of the costume, the creation of accessories or a simple hairstyle.

Despite being ready to draw her sword, Lizzie’s Ciri has an almost cheerful expression , which combined with the liveliness of the colors of the photo creates a truly peculiar atmosphere.

An extremely popular character

There’s no doubt that Ciri is one of the most popular characters in The Witcher saga , so much so that Geralt’s voice actor thinks she will be the new protagonist of Polaris , and frankly that wouldn’t surprise us.

Ciri’s cosplay from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by Lizzie Lestrange is so cute

Returning to the cosplays, among the most beautiful ones dedicated to Ciri we find the version by Toriealis which is a joy for the eyes , the version by narga_lifestream full of details and the version by Kalinka Fox which will make you fall in love .

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