The number of Fallout players on Steam more than doubled with the release of the series

The number of Fallout players on Steam more than doubled with the release of the series

The number of Fallout players on Steam more than doubled with the release of the series,Fallout’s concurrent player count has more than doubled on Steam following the release of the franchise’s series on Amazon Prime.

Even though the game is nearly a decade old, Fallout 4 is one of the top 20 SteamDB games based on concurrent players, making it one of the most popular games on Steam this weekend.

But it’s not just Fallout 4 that’s seeing a resurgence in players; Fallout 76 and Fallout New Vegas have also seen increases in concurrent player counts since the series debuted last week.

The number of Fallout players on Steam more than doubled with the release of the series,Just a week ago, the peak number of concurrent players in Fallout 4 was less than 25 thousand, in Fallout 76 – about 13 thousand, and in New Vegas – barely 7 thousand. Now all three games have doubled, tripled, even quadrupled their peak numbers as the series brought attention to Bethesda’s flagship series.

Given such hype, there is no doubt that there will still be a second season of Fallout. We can only hope that it will be released faster than the development of the first one took