The National Cinema Museum opens an area dedicated to video games, David Cage will hold a masterclass

The National Cinema Museum opens an area dedicated to video games David Cage will hold a masterclass

The National Cinema Museum opens an area dedicated to video games David Cage will hold a masterclass

The National Cinema Museum has announced the opening of a permanent area dedicated to video games, which will be inaugurated by a masterclass by David Cage.

The National Cinema Museum has inaugurated an area dedicated to video games , VIDEO GAME ZONE: it is one of the first permanent installations of this kind within a museum institution in Italy and in the world, which will be inaugurated on 2 July with a masterclass held by the famous game director David Cage.

Set up in a chapel in the Aula del Tempio, the heart of the Mole Antonelliana in Turin , VIDEO GAME ZONE is curated by Domenico De Gaetano, director of the National Cinema Museum, and Fabio Viola and in collaboration with the University of Turin.

The area will open its doors on July 2nd , as mentioned, with the following program:

  • 11.00 – press conference and inauguration
  • 11.30 – masterclass with David Cage
  • 12.30 – Stella della Mole award

The National Cinema Museum opens an area dedicated to video games David Cage will hold a masterclass

The words of the organizers

“After the rooms dedicated to VR, the National Cinema Museum opens up to new languages ​​that can dialogue transversally and address an increasingly wider audience”, declared Enzo Ghigo, president of the National Cinema Museum of Turin.

“We are going through a moment of great and rapid transformations , it is also up to us, as a museum, to be able to intercept them in time and make them available to our many visitors.”

Domenico De Gaetano, director of the National Cinema Museum
Domenico De Gaetano, director of the National Cinema Museum

“Cinema and video games have totally different characteristics, structures, personalities and methods of enjoyment, but the intersections and mutual influences are innumerable and increasingly evident”, said Domenico De Gaetano, director of the National Cinema Museum and co- curator of the exhibition.

“We have created a one-of-a-kind space, perfectly inserted into the museum itinerary, which tells of the increasingly strong link between video games and cinema . Thus begins a journey of acquisition of works, study and research, all aimed at creating an exhibition which will see the light in the coming years.”

“If cinema with its moving image has shaped the collective imagination through visual storytelling, video games have extended this imaginary , offering not only stories to watch, but also to experience and influence directly thanks to their nature as an interactive image” , are the words of Fabio Viola, co-curator of the exhibition.

Fabio Viola. co-curator of VIDEO GAME ZONE
Fabio Viola. co-curator of VIDEO GAME ZONE

“The introduction of video games at the National Cinema Museum is not only a formal step in the recognition as a full-fledged art form but aims to underline and stimulate the dialogue between different but absolutely complementary art forms, showing the intersections, the influences mutual and the unique expressive potential of these two mediums that have marked the 20th and 21st centuries.”

“The opening to video games of an authoritative and prestigious institution such as the National Cinema Museum is a positive signal of great importance “, said Riccardo Fassone, Associate Professor of History and Theory of Playful Forms and Game Designer at the University. of the Turin studies.

” A popular and authorial means of communication , halfway between art and industry, between narrative and design, finds a privileged place of exhibition and analysis in a context that has always proven receptive to changes and innovations.”

Details of the VIDEO GAME ZONE

The exhibition will take you on a journey through the history of video games , exploring the connections with films and TV series that have been influenced by them. Through projections, audio-video stations and display cases, you will be able to discover how the world of video games has influenced cinema and television through a montage of scenes taken from films and TV series that quote, pay homage to or are inspired by famous video games.

You will have the opportunity to watch the introductions and trailers of the video games , the developer diaries that tell the creative process, images of the making of and gameplay that show the evolution of the aesthetics and production techniques of video games, from rotoscope to motion capture and to live action.

The Mole Antonelliana
The Mole Antonelliana

You will be able to explore concept art, notes, preparatory drawings, storyboards and objects used during the creative phases of video games, coming from different gaming realities. These materials, often rare and unpublished, offer precious testimony to the creative process behind the creation of a video game, similar in many aspects to that of a film.

VIDEO GAME ZONE is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the history and culture of video games , discover the creative process that leads to their creation and admire rare and unpublished design materials.

The materials presented

The first tranche of acquisitions in the VIDEO GAME ZONE area includes thirteen titles :

  • ALAN WAKE 2 (Remedy Entertainment, 2023)
  • ANOTHER WORLD (Éric Chahi, 1991)
  • ASSASSIN’S CREED MIRAGE (Ubisoft, 2023)
  • BRAID (Number None, 2008)
  • BROKEN SWORD (Revolution Software, 1996)
  • DEATH STRANDING DIRECTOR’S CUT (Kojima Productions, 2021)
  • DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN (Quantic Dream, 2018)
  • FINAL FANTASY VII (Square Enix, 1997)
  • GONE HOME (Fullbright, 2013)
  • HEAVY RAIN (Quantic Dream, 2010)
  • LIFE IS STRANGE (Square Enix, 2015)
  • PRINCE OF PERSIA (Jordan Mechner, 1989)
  • RED DEAD REDEMPTION (Rockstar Games, 2010)

New works will progressively be added to these , including HER STORY (Sam Barlow, 2015), TELLING LIES (Annapurna Interactive, 2019) and IMMORTALITY (Half Mermaid, 2022).

The masterclass with David Cage and how to participate

The new area will be inaugurated by a masterclass with David Cage , founder of Quantic Dream and visionary artist, protagonist of a ten-year career that has seen him direct masterpieces such as Fahrenheit (2005), Heavy Rain (2010), Beyond: Two Souls (2012) and Detroit: Become Human (2018).

Cage will participate in a discussion with Domenico De Gaetano and Fabio Viola, exploring the convergences between cinema and video games. At the end of the event, the author will receive the Stella della Mole award for his contribution and pioneering approach to the creation of narrative-based video game experiences.

David Cage
David Cage

“In my career I have always supported the idea that video games are a form of creative expression, just like cinema or literature,” said David Cage. “For sixty-six years, the National Cinema Museum of Turin has been exploring the impact of cinema on society and the opening of a permanent space dedicated to video games is a milestone for interactive media.”

“As a creator, I am honored that our games Heavy Rain and Detroit: Become Human are on display and I am excited to celebrate the opening of the exhibition with a Masterclass. It will be an opportunity to discuss how video games and cinema influence each other to push the boundaries of storytelling.”

A selection of content can also be viewed in streaming on the InTO Cinema platform of the National Cinema Museum. Access to the masterclass will be free upon reservation on the website . Pre-sales will open tomorrow, June 14, starting at 10.00.


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