Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Could Become More ‘American’ With New Boston Office

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Could Become More 'American' With New Boston Office

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Could Become More ‘American’ With New Boston Office

Now that CD Projekt RED has begun work on the sequel to Cyberpunk 2077, codenamed Project Orion, we can only wait and guess what the studio will unveil next. Although the game was initially criticized for its many bugs, things have changed for the better three years later, especially with the release of a major expansion.

But what about the sequel? What can we expect? It’s hard to say yet, but some CDPR employees recently took to a podcast to discuss opening a studio in Boston. One of the topics that came up was how moving to the US might affect the upcoming sequel to Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Could Become More ‘American’ With New Boston Office

Around the 2:10 mark in the video above, acting executive producer Dan Hernberg says that Cyberpunk is a “uniquely American story,” so it makes sense to bring the series to the United States. This also means that CD Projekt RED will be able to take advantage of the “vast pool of talent” available in America.

Expanding on this idea, game director Pawel Sasko mentions a few things about Cyberpunk that were subtle but pointed to the game not being made by an American studio. For example: the issue with the manhole covers in Night City. Some fans were quick to point out that the manhole covers were designed to look like those typically associated with European streets, not American ones.

Additionally, director Sebastian Kalemba recalls how difficult it was, as a Polish company, to calibrate and accurately convey American culture by visiting the country, taking photographs, all in preparation for developing the first game.

For CDPR, moving a significant portion of the work to Boston seemed like a smart choice to ensure a more focused approach to “Americanizing” the next game. The move will allow the team to “have cultural touchpoints” that should help create more authenticity in the sequel.

Also Read:

The sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 needs to be more dystopian, developing it in the USA will help

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