Blizzard has published a list of changes for the fourth season of Diablo 4

Blizzard has published a list of changes for the fourth season of Diablo 4

Blizzard has published a list of changes for the fourth season of Diablo 4

Blizzard has posted on its website the final list of changes for the major update 1.4.0 for Diablo IV , which will be released on May 14 along with the start of the fourth season, “Reborn Plunder.”

Some items have been changed based on player feedback after testing on the PTR. The full patch note can be read in Russian on the Blizzard website .

  • The hardening results screen now shows the obtained property, its indicators and possible range
  • The chance of item processing failing is now zero
  • The party member who spends rune shards to open the Pit will receive 100% of the processing materials, and the rest of the party will receive half of this amount
  • Added the ability to highlight NPCs, characters and enemies in Sanctuary – this will make them easier to spot among the environment
  • Inferno Onslaught has been redesigned to provide more challenges and rewards
  • A version of Hell’s Onslaught has appeared on world levels 1 and 2
  • Tyrael’s Might (unique chestpiece) – When you use any skill at maximum health, you summon a divine barrage that damages enemies
  • Blessing of Yen (unique boots) – when using a skill, you have a 40-60% chance of also using another skill (except for powerful and movement skills), which is restored at that moment. The effect triggers no more than once every 8 sec.
  • All items received at world level 3 are now sacred
  • All items received at world level 4 are now ancestral items
  • After level 28, most (~80%) of non-legendary equipment obtained from killing enemies is rare. In addition, after reaching level 50, the chance of obtaining legendary items increases significantly
  • After level 50, item power now increases every 5 levels rather than evenly
  • In the “Graphics” section of the settings menu, the ability to increase camera distance has been added
  • Materials now have different rarity categories
  • Now you can spur mounts in the city
  • When searching for items in a cache, a filter by equipment strength is now available
  • You can now navigate the skill tree using the D-pad controller
  • Various changes have been introduced to make game elements more visual and understandable
  • Now players who earn the Seal of the Worthy during the Challenge Series week have a 100% chance of receiving a unique item as a reward
  • The shrine will no longer appear after defeating bosses if the bosses were revived using the Combat Test Pillar
  • Now, using movement skills such as Jump and Teleport, you can easily cover the distance to the edge of the screen. This will make the difference in control between a controller and a keyboard/mouse combination less significant.
  • The amount of experience gained from dungeon events has been increased
  • Maximum gold amount increased from 9 trillion to 99 trillion
  • Whispering Lock Chests now contain an additional 500 Obols
  • The health of bosses outside the dungeon on the 3rd and 4th world levels has been significantly increased
  • Maximum number of Whispering Obols increased from 2000 to 2500
  • You can now change your character’s hairstyle in the wardrobe

Diablo 4’s Reborn Season of Loot and Inferno Onslaught will begin on May 14.

Diablo IV is available on PC, both generations of consoles, and Xbox Game Pass.