A Manor Lords player took the city-building simulator to the limit, building a village of 3,200 inhabitants with 1 market

A Manor Lords player took the city-building simulator to the limit, building a village of 3,200 inhabitants with 1 market

Manor Lords players continue to get creative, and one of them has crammed 3,220 villagers into a medieval village.

Reddit user deman2k6 ignored the game’s lack of real city-building tools (after all, the game is more focused on relatively small settlements) and created a community of more than 3 thousand inhabitants using brute force. The image below shows an overhead view of their creation, which looks much like a grid-based city.

The Manor Lords builder shared some wisdom in the comments, explaining that he feeds his town of 3,220 people using “one market with a maximum of 169 stalls”. Although they supplied food themselves for a time, eventually the player was forced to buy resources from the trading post and use “specialized” warehouses – “one warehouse for firewood only and one warehouse for clothing only.”

As the game develops and updates are released, it is likely that we will be able to see more interesting achievements that test the limits of the game.